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function dom(tar) { return document.getElementById(tar) } //we need to make a another lg command or a lg mode // because sometiems we want to output to the dom instead of the console function lg(tar) { if (tar==undefined) { throw "lg tar cant be undefined" } console.log("jamessteele",tar) return tar } function lg2(a,b) { if (a==undefined) { throw "lg2 target cant be undefined" } console.log(a,b) return b } // if pOs is detected its replaced into "position:absolute;" // if youre going to use shortform always set the background last // this is an example of shortform // 25s25o#900c@ //todo make something to make like a signifier for incoming innerhtml //todo make something so that div$ gets ONLY RECOGNISED AS DIV function ap(tar,style) { let ap = [] style = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(style).replaceAll("pOs","position:absolute;")) let subject = dom(tar) let bassty; bassty = subject.style.csstext let stylefromshort = "" if (style.join("").includes("@")) { lg("in") let alive = true let tick = 0 let nocrash = 255 let op = "" let shortformspot = ( style.filter(/./.test, /\@/)[0] ) let rep = [ "w","width:numberpx;", "h","height:numberpx;", "s","width:numberpx;height:numberpx;", "l","left:numberpx;", "t","top:numberpx;", "o","left:numberpx;top:numberpx;", "c","background:numberpx;" ] let repq=""; rep.forEach(function (val,ind,arr) { if (ind%2==0) { repq+=val } }) lg(repq) let opn = "" lg2("this is what were working with:",shortformspot) if (/[oltbr]/g.test(shortformspot)) { op+="position:absolute;" } lg(shortformspot) while (alive && nocrash>0) { let s = shortformspot[tick] //lg2("this is s",s) if (/[0-9]/g.test(s) || s=="#" || /[ABCDEF]/g.test(s)) { opn+=s lg("outcome1") } else if (repq.includes(s)) { lg("outcome2") // i returns the key not the number. for (i in rep) { lg2(i, typeof i) lg2(rep[Number(i)],s) if (rep[Number(i)]==s) { op+=rep[Number(i)+1].replaceAll( "number",opn ) opn="" break; } lg({opn,op,tick}) } } else { lg("outcome3") alive = false break; } lg({opn,op,tick}) nocrash-- tick++ } let res1 = op.slice(0,op.indexOf("#")) let res2 = op.slice(op.indexOf("#")).replaceAll("px","") stylefromshort = res1+res2 lg(stylefromshort) } if (subject.style.csstext==undefined) { bassty="" } if (style[0].includes("@") && style.length==1) { bassty = stylefromshort } else { if (style.length==1) { bassty += style[0] } else { for (styleelement of style) { if (/\:/g.test(styleelement)) { ap.push(styleelement) } else if (/\=/g.test(styleelement)) { let li = styleelement.split("=") subject.setAttribute(li[0],li[1]) } } bassty += ap.join(";") } bassty += ";"+stylefromshort } subject.style.cssText = bassty return subject } var libidAt = 0 function libgetid() { libidAt++ return libidAt } function rem(tar,pare) { var res = tar if (pare==null) { res = dom(tar) } else { res = tar.parentElement } res.parentElement.removeChild(res) } //if you put a dollar sign in the name then it gets replaced with the latest id function cre(pare,name,kind) { let opkind = "div" let kindlist = "div canvas img svg span p" if (kindlist.includes(name)) { opkind = name } let creid= libgetid() let formparent = "none" if (kind!=null) { opkind = kind } if (name!=null) { creid= name.replace(/\$/g,libgetid()) } if (name==null) { lg("passing on") creid= libgetid()+"hei" } if (pare!=null) { formparent = dom(pare) } else { formparent = document.body if (formparent==null) { throw "you didint define document body"; } } let box = document.createElement(opkind) try { formparent.appendChild(box) } catch { throw `hey bro, you didint make anything named '${pare}' beforehand` } if (kind=="button") { box.textContent = creid.replace(/\_/g," ") box.setAttribute("onclick",creid+"buttonaction()") } box.id=creid return box } var twin = { degrees:function(radians) { var pi = Math.PI; return radians * (180/pi); }, radians:function (degrees) { var TAU = 2 * Math.PI; return degrees * TAU / 360; }, // ok axis means if you want to output the x or the y value angmov:function(angle,dist,axis) { if (axis==0) { lg("x:"+dist) return dist*Math.cos(twin.radians(angle)) } if (axis==1) { lg("y:"+dist) return dist*Math.sin(twin.radians(angle)) } }, pytha:function(x,y) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x,2)+Math.pow(y,2)) }, //btw , rememeber. atan2 accepts the aguments like // Y and then X atan2:function(x,y){ return twin.degrees(Math.atan2(x,y)) }, } let predoc = "" function docuadd(tar) { predoc += tar } function docuset() { document.body.innerHTML = predoc }